试 剂
仪 器
耗 材

Nucleic Acid Research
Protein Research
Cell Biology
Signal Transduction Stock Reagents

一、Nucleic Acid Research

Plasmid Extraction DNA Purification & Gel Extraction Genomic DNA Extraction DNA Electrophoresis DNA Marker
Bacteria & Culture Competent Cell Preparation Plasmid & T Vector Gene Mutagenesis DNA Ligation
DNA Labeling & Detection Restriction Enzyme Modification Enzyme reverse transcription PCR
RNA Others

Plasmid Extraction
Cat.No. Product Name Package Price
D0003 Plasmid Mini Preparation Kit 200T RMB398.00
D0005 Plasmid Mini Preparation Kit 50T RMB128.00
D0018 Plasmid Midi Preparation Kit 50T RMB326.00
D0026 Plasmid Maxi Preparation Kit 20T RMB798.00
D0029 Yeast Plasmid Mini Preparation Kit 50T RMB328.00
ST066 0.5M EDTA pH8.0 100ml RMB68.00
ST206 Lysozyme (>20KU/mg) 0.5g RMB36.00
ST576 RNase A (10mg/ml, DNase free) 1ml RMB337.00
ST577 RNase A (100mg/ml, DNase free) 0.5ml RMB1338.00
ST578 RNase A (10mg/ml) 1ml RMB75.00
ST579 RNase A (100mg/ml) 0.5ml RMB342.00
ST628 10% SDS 100ml RMB31.00
ST725 TE 100ml RMB25.00
ST780 1M Tris-HCl,pH8.0 100ml RMB31.00
DNA Purification & Gel Extraction
Cat.No. Product Name Package Price
D0033 PCR Clean Up Kit/DNA Purification Kit 50T RMB138.00
D0056 DNA Gel Extraction Kit 50T RMB139.00
D0812 Glycogen (DNase, RNase free) 0.5ml RMB403.00
ST351 3M NaAc pH5.2 100ml RMB51.00
ST725 TE 100ml RMB25.00
Genomic DNA Extraction
Cat.No. Product Name Package Price
D0061 Mammalian Genomic DNA Extraction Kit 50T RMB162.00
D0063 Genomic DNA Mini Preparation Kit (with spin column) 50T RMB256.00
ST206 Lysozyme (>20KU/mg) 0.5g RMB36.00
ST532 Proteinase K (20mg/ml) 0.2ml RMB53.00
ST533 Proteinase K (20mg/ml) 1ml RMB172.00
ST576 RNase A (10mg/ml, DNase free) 1ml RMB337.00
ST577 RNase A (100mg/ml, DNase free) 0.5ml RMB1338.00
ST578 RNase A (10mg/ml) 1ml RMB75.00
ST579 RNase A (100mg/ml) 0.5ml RMB342.00
DNA Electrophoresis
Cat.No. Product Name Package Price
D0071 DNA Loading Buffer (6X) 2ml RMB15.00
D0072 DNA Loading Buffer (BeyoRed, 6X) 2ml RMB28.00
D0128 NA-Red 1ml RMB226.00
D0130 NA-Red 5ml RMB956.00
D0133 NA-Green 1ml RMB228.00
D0135 NA-Green 5ml RMB958.00
D0139 Gel-Red 0.2ml RMB251.00
D0140 Gel-Red 1ml RMB1062.00
D0143 Gel-Green 0.2ml RMB253.00
D0145 Gel-Green 1ml RMB1066.00
ST004L Agarose 50g RMB248.00
ST716 TAE(50X) 500ml RMB72.00
DNA Marker
Cat.No. Product Name Package Price
D0107 DNA Ladder 100T RMB118.00
D0109 DNA Ladder(BeyoRed) 100T RMB128.00
Bacteria & Culture
Cat.No. Product Name Package Price
D0337 BL21, Glycerol Stock 200μl RMB95.00
D0351 DH5α, Glycerol Stock 200μl RMB95.00
D0378 Stbl3, Glycerol Stock 200μl RMB298.00
D0389 TG1, Glycerol Stock 200μl RMB95.00
D0391 Bacteria Stock Solution 50ml RMB78.00
ST004D Agar 100g RMB56.00
ST004E Agar 500g RMB225.00
ST007 Ampicillin 5g RMB89.00
ST008 Ampicillin(100mg/ml,1000X) 5ml RMB53.00
ST097 IPTG 1g RMB68.00
ST098 IPTG 5g RMB322.00
ST101 Kanamycin 1g RMB41.00
ST102 Kanamycin(10mg/ml,1000X) 5ml RMB68.00
ST156 Premixed LB 10×500ml RMB61.00
ST800 Tryptone 500g RMB398.00
ST912 X-Gal 100mg RMB61.00
ST968 Yeast extract 500g RMB186.00
Competent Cell Preparation
Cat.No. Product Name Package Price
D0301 One Step Competent Cell Preparation Kit 200T RMB165.00
D0302 Supercompetent Cell Preparation Kit 100T RMB208.00
D0337 BL21, Glycerol Stock 200μl RMB95.00
D0351 DH5α, Glycerol Stock 200μl RMB95.00
D0378 Stbl3, Glycerol Stock 200μl RMB298.00
D0389 TG1, Glycerol Stock 200μl RMB95.00
D0391 Bacteria Stock Solution 50ml RMB78.00
Plasmid & T Vector
Cat.No. Product Name Package Price
D2001 Human Open Reading Frame library 1set RMB99800.00
D2006 pUCm-T Vector 20T RMB246.00
D2102 pGL6 1μg RMB862.00
D2105 pGL6-TA 1μg RMB862.00
D2106 pGL6-miR 1μg RMB862.00
D2108 pAP1-luc 1μg RMB862.00
D2109 pAP1-TA-luc 1μg RMB862.00
D2112 pARE-luc 1μg RMB862.00
D2152 pGRE-luc 1μg RMB862.00
D2179 pISRE-TA-luc 1μg RMB862.00
D2198 pMyc-TA-luc 1μg RMB862.00
D2206 pNFκB-luc 1μg RMB862.00
D2207 pNFκB-TA-luc 1μg RMB862.00
D2223 pp53-TA-luc 1μg RMB862.00
D2248 pRb-TA-luc 1μg RMB862.00
D2259 pSTAT3-TA-luc 1μg RMB862.00
D2306 pAAT-promoter-luc 1μg RMB862.00
D2386 pIL-6-promoter-luc 1μg RMB862.00
D2480 pTNF-α-promoter-luc 1μg RMB862.00
D2481 pTNF-α-promoter-TA-luc 1μg RMB862.00
D2602 pCMV-Blank 1μg RMB862.00
D2621 pCMV-C-BFP 1μg RMB862.00
D2623 pCMV-C-CFP 1μg RMB862.00
D2624 pCMV-C-DsRed 1μg RMB862.00
D2626 pCMV-C-EGFP 1μg RMB862.00
D2628 pCMV-C-mCherry 1μg RMB862.00
D2630 pCMV-C-YFP 1μg RMB862.00
D2632 pCMV-C-Flag 1μg RMB862.00
D2639 pCMV-C-HA 1μg RMB862.00
D2650 pCMV-C-His 1μg RMB862.00
D2672 pCMV-C-Myc 1μg RMB862.00
D2701 pCMV-N-BFP 1μg RMB862.00
D2703 pCMV-N-CFP 1μg RMB862.00
D2705 pCMV-N-DsRed 1μg RMB862.00
D2707 pCMV-N-EGFP 1μg RMB862.00
D2711 pCMV-N-mCherry 1μg RMB862.00
D2716 pCMV-N-YFP 1μg RMB862.00
D2722 pCMV-N-Flag 1μg RMB862.00
D2733 pCMV-N-HA 1μg RMB862.00
D2737 pCMV-N-His 1μg RMB862.00
D2756 pCMV-N-Myc 1μg RMB862.00
D2762 pRL-SV40-N 1μg RMB862.00
D2768 pRL-SV40-C 1μg RMB862.00
D0251 Annealing Buffer for DNA Oligos(5X) 1ml RMB78.00
Gene Mutagenesis
Cat.No. Product Name Package Price
D0206 Site-directed Gene Mutagenesis Kit 10T RMB1068.00
DNA Ligation
Cat.No. Product Name Package Price
D7002 Rapid DNA Ligation Kit 100T RMB268.00
D7003 Rapid DNA Ligation Kit 500T RMB898.00
D7006 T4 DNA Ligase 40,000U RMB138.00
D7008 T4 DNA Ligase 200,000U RMB552.00
DNA Labeling & Detection
Cat.No. Product Name Package Price
D3106 Biotin 3'End DNA Labeling Kit 20T RMB1368.00
D3118 Biotin Random Prime DNA Labeling Kit 10T RMB1052.00
D3308 Chemiluminescent Biotin-labeled Nucleic Acid Detection Kit 1000cm2 RMB1078.00
D3308B Blocking Solution for D3308 380ml RMB106.00
D3308W Wash Buffer for D3308 250ml RMB106.00
Restriction Enzyme
Cat.No. Product Name Package Price
D6049 ApaI 2000U RMB132.00
D6053 BamHI 2000U RMB118.00
D6093 BglII 500U RMB118.00
D6257 DpnI 500U RMB272.00
D6329 EcoRI 2000U RMB72.00
D6330 EcoRI 5000U RMB148.00
D6337 EcoRV 1500U RMB118.00
D6389 HindIII 2000U RMB98.00
D6390 HindIII 5000U RMB198.00
D6417 KpnI 1000U RMB118.00
D6449 MluI 1000U RMB128.00
D6481 NcoI 200U RMB118.00
D6485 NdeI 400U RMB118.00
D6489 NheI 200U RMB128.00
D6497 NotI 150U RMB118.00
D6565 PstI 1000U RMB68.00
D6566 PstI 3000U RMB158.00
D6581 PvuII 1000U RMB118.00
D6585 RsaI 200U RMB118.00
D6593 SacI 500U RMB118.00
D6597 SalI 1000U RMB118.00
D6633 SmaI 500U RMB118.00
D6713 XbaI 1500U RMB118.00
D6721 XhoI 2000U RMB118.00
Modification Enzyme
Cat.No. Product Name Package Price
D7012 DNA Blunting Kit 20T RMB128.00
D7021 T4 RNA Ligase 200U RMB118.00
D7027 BeyoAP Alkaline Phosphatase 200U RMB162.00
D7035 Klenow Fragment 100U RMB102.00
D7039 Klenow Fragment,Exo- 100U RMB148.00
D7051 T4 DNA Polymerase 50U RMB168.00
D7062 SP6 RNA Polymerase 500U RMB136.00
D7066 T3 RNA Polymerase 500U RMB118.00
D7069 T7 RNA Polymerase 1000U RMB162.00
D7073 DNase I 200U RMB102.00
D7076 DNase I 1000U RMB438.00
D7089 RNase H 100U RMB162.00
D7093 Terminal Deoxynucleotidyl Transferase 500U RMB382.00
D7096 T4 Polynucleotide Kinase 100U RMB70.00
D7097 T4 Polynucleotide Kinase 500U RMB289.00
D7153 BeyoRT™ M-MuLV Reverse Transcriptase 2000U RMB158.00
D7159 BeyoRT™ M-MuLV Reverse Transcriptase(RNase H minus) 2000U RMB298.00
D7160 BeyoRT™ II M-MLV reverse transcr iptase (RNase H-) 2000U RMB52.00
D7161 BeyoRT™ II M-MLV reverse transcr iptase (RNase H-) 10KU RMB208.00
D7162 BeyoRT™ II M-MLV reverse transcr iptase (RNase H-) 10KU RMB832.00
reverse transcription
Cat.No. Product Name Package Price
D7153 BeyoRT™ M-MuLV Reverse Transcriptase 2000U RMB158.00
D7159 BeyoRT™ M-MuLV Reverse Transcriptase(RNase H minus) 2000U RMB298.00
D7160 BeyoRT™ II M-MLV reverse transcr iptase (RNase H-) 2000U RMB52.00
D7161 BeyoRT™ II M-MLV reverse transcr iptase (RNase H-) 10KU RMB208.00
D7162 BeyoRT™ II M-MLV reverse transcr iptase (RNase H-) 10KU RMB832.00
D7166 BeyoRT™ First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit(RNase H minus) 10T RMB368.00
D7167 BeyoRT™II First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit (RNase H minus) 20T RMB165.00
D7168 BeyoRT™II First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit (RNase H minus) 100T RMB656.00
D7172 Second Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit 10T RMB236.00
Cat.No. Product Name Package Price
D7153 BeyoRT™ M-MuLV Reverse Transcriptase 2000U RMB158.00
D7159 BeyoRT™ M-MuLV Reverse Transcriptase(RNase H minus) 2000U RMB298.00
D7160 BeyoRT™ II M-MLV reverse transcr iptase (RNase H-) 2000U RMB52.00
D7161 BeyoRT™ II M-MLV reverse transcr iptase (RNase H-) 10KU RMB208.00
D7162 BeyoRT™ II M-MLV reverse transcr iptase (RNase H-) 10KU RMB832.00
D7166 BeyoRT™ First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit(RNase H minus) 10T RMB368.00
D7167 BeyoRT™II First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit (RNase H minus) 20T RMB165.00
D7168 BeyoRT™II First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit (RNase H minus) 100T RMB656.00
D7172 Second Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit 10T RMB236.00
D7205 Taq DNA Polymerase 200U RMB25.00
D7207 Taq DNA Polymerase 1000U RMB98.00
D7216 Pfu DNA Polymerase 200U RMB32.00
D7218 BeyoTaq DNA Polymerase 200U RMB36.00
D7223 PCR Buffer total 5ml RMB72.00
D7226 GC-rich PCR Buffer total 2ml RMB116.00
D7228 2×PCR Master Mix 400T RMB88.00
D7232 PCR Kit with Taq 400T RMB51.00
D7233 PCR Kit with Taq 2000T RMB198.00
D7237 PCR Kit with BeyoTaq 400T RMB169.00
D7351 dATP(100mM) 250μl RMB58.00
D7353 dCTP(100mM) 250μl RMB58.00
D7355 dGTP(100mM) 250μl RMB58.00
D7357 dTTP(100mM) 250μl RMB58.00
D7366 dNTP 4×50μl RMB56.00
D7371 dNTP Mixture(2.5mM each) 1ml RMB28.00
D7373 dNTP Mixture(25mM each) 250μl RMB60.00
ST269 1M MgCl2 100ml RMB27.00
ST275 Mineral oil 20ml RMB35.00
Cat.No. Product Name Package Price
R0011 Beyozol (Trizol like total RNA extraction reagent) 100ml RMB428.00
R0016 Trizol 100ml RMB518.00
R0021 DEPC-water (DNase, RNase free) 100ml RMB23.00
R0022 DEPC-water (DNase、RNase free) 500ml RMB73.00
R0051 Annealing Buffer for RNA Oligos(5X) 1ml RMB102.00
R0102 RNase Inhibitor 2000U RMB215.00
R0107 Ribonucleoside Vanadyl Complexes, RVC 2ml RMB93.00
R0108 Ribonucleoside Vanadyl Complexes, RVC 10ml RMB372.00
ST036 DEPC 10g RMB215.00
Cat.No. Product Name Package Price
D0251 Annealing Buffer for DNA Oligos(5X) 1ml RMB78.00

二、Protein Research

Protein Quantification Lysis & Protein Extraction Protein Purification Protein Electrophoresis Protein Marker
Primary Antibody Secondary Antibody Western Immunoprecipitation Immunostaining

Protein Quantification
Cat.No. Product Name Package Price
P0006 Bradford Protein Assay Kit 1000T RMB106.00
P0007 BSA(5mg/ml) 1ml RMB19.60
P0009 Enhanced BCA Protein Assay Kit 5000T RMB1508.00
P0010 Enhanced BCA Protein Assay Kit 500T RMB332.00
P0010S Enhanced BCA Protein Assay Kit 200T RMB170.00
P0011 BCA Protein Assay Kit 5000T RMB1398.00
P0012 BCA Protein Assay Kit 500T RMB299.00
P0012S BCA Protein Assay Kit 200T RMB150.00
Lysis & Protein Extraction
Cat.No. Product Name Package Price
P0013 Cell Lysis Buffer for Western or IP 100ml RMB172.00
P0013B RIPA Lysis Buffer (Strong) 100ml RMB192.00
P0013C RIPA Lysis Buffer (Medium) 100ml RMB192.00
P0013D RIPA Lysis Buffer (Weak) 100ml RMB192.00
P0013E RIPA Lysis Buffer Set (Strong, Medium and Weak) total 150ml RMB258.00
P0013F NP-40 Lysis Buffer 100ml RMB192.00
P0013G SDS Lysis Buffer 100ml RMB192.00
P0013J Cell lysis buffer for Western and IP without inhibitors 100ml RMB119.00
P0013K RIPA lysis buffer (strong, without inhibitors) 100ml RMB139.00
P0027 Nuclear and Cytoplasmic Protein Extraction Kit  50T RMB462.00
P0028 Nuclear and Cytoplasmic Protein Extraction Kit 100T RMB818.00
P0033 Membrane and Cytosol Protein Extraction Kit 100T RMB615.00
C3601 Cell Mitochondria Isolation Kit 50-100T RMB398.00
C3606 Tissue Mitochondria Isolation Kit 50-100T RMB399.00
C3702 Red Blood Cell Lysis Buffer 120ml RMB72.00
S3090 Cell and Tissue Lysis Buffer for Nitric Oxide Assay 100ml RMB198.00
ST506 PMSF(100mM) 10ml RMB99.00
Protein Purification
Cat.No. Product Name Package Price
P2210 BeyoGold™ His-tag Purification Resin 10ml RMB218.00
P2218 BeyoGold™ His-tag Purification Resin 100ml RMB1698.00
P2226 His-tag Protein Purification Kit 10ml RMB368.00
Protein Electrophoresis
Cat.No. Product Name Package Price
P0012A SDS-PAGE Gel Preparation Kit 30-50 gels RMB150.00
P0012AC SDS-PAGE Gel Quick Preparation Kit 30-50 gels RMB158.00
P0014A SDS-PAGE Electrophoresis Buffer 1L RMB28.00
P0014B SDS-PAGE Electrophoresis Buffer 10×1L RMB212.00
P0015 SDS-PAGE Sample Loading Buffer (5X) 2ml RMB30.00
P0015L SDS-PAGE Sample Loading Buffer (5X) 15ml RMB139.00
P0015A SDS-PAGE Sample Loading Buffer (1X) 10ml RMB32.00
P0015B SDS-PAGE Sample Loading Buffer (2X) 5ml RMB33.00
P0015F SDS-PAGE Sample Loading Buffer (6X) 2ml RMB42.00
P0016 Non-denatured Gel Sample Loading Buffer (5X) 2ml RMB43.00
P0016N Native Gel Sample Loading Buffer (5X) 2ml RMB43.00
P0017 Coomassie Blue Fast Staining Solution 250ml RMB121.00
P0017A Coomassie Blue Staining Kit 100ml+500ml RMB118.00
P0017B Coomassie Blue Staining Solution 250ml RMB105.00
P0017C Coomassie Blue Staining Destaining Solution 500ml RMB71.00
P0017S Fast Silver Stain Kit 25T RMB476.00
ST003 30% Acr-Bis (29:1) 100ml RMB66.00
ST004 40% Acr-Bis (39:1) 100ml RMB75.00
ST005 Ammonium persulfate (APS) 10g RMB61.00
ST030 Coomassie brilliant blue G250 5g RMB95.00
ST031 Coomassie brilliant blue R250 5g RMB82.00
ST040 DTT 1g RMB65.00
ST041 0.5M DTT 2ml RMB38.00
ST042 0.5M DTT 10ml RMB150.00
ST626 SDS 80g RMB39.00
ST627 SDS 80g RMB81.00
ST628 10% SDS 100ml RMB31.00
ST728 TEMED 10ml RMB42.00
ST768 1M Tris-HCl,pH6.8 100ml RMB31.00
ST788 1M Tris-HCl,pH8.8 100ml RMB31.00
ST789 1.5M Tris-HCl,pH8.8 100ml RMB36.00
Protein Marker
Cat.No. Product Name Package Price
P0061 Protein Molecular Weight Marker 200μl RMB85.00
P0062 Protein Molecular Weight Marker 1ml RMB272.00
P0063 Protein Ladder (NonpRTeined) 100μl RMB149.00
P0066 Prestained Protein Molecular Weight Marker 200μl RMB198.00
P0067 Prestained Protein Molecular Weight Marker 1ml RMB828.00
P0068 Prestained Dual Color Protein Molecular Weight Marker 200μl RMB326.00
P0069 Prestained Dual Color Protein Molecular Weight Marker 600μl RMB880.00
P0071 Prestained Color Protein Molecular Weight Marker, or Prestained Color Protein Ladder 200μl RMB286.00
P0072 Prestained Color Protein Molecular Weight Marker, or Prestained Color Protein Ladder 600μl RMB780.00
Primary Antibody
Cat.No. Product Name Package Price
AA110 Phospho-ACC(Ser79)antibody >20T RMB882.00
AA128 Actin antibody >40T RMB398.00
AA132 Actin antibody(smooth muscle specific) >20T RMB492.00
AA306 AIF antibody >20T RMB703.00
AA326 Akt antibody >10T RMB601.00
AA329 Phospho-Akt(Ser473) antibody >10T RMB603.00
AA331 Phospho-Akt(Thr308) antibody >10T RMB602.00
AA393 Phospho-AMPKα(Thr172) antibody >20T RMB881.00
AA820 Atg7 antibody >20T RMB570.00
AA866 Phospho-ATM(Ser1981) antibody >20T RMB462.00
AA891 Phospho-ATR(Ser428) antibody >20T RMB928.00
AA921 Aurora A antibody >20T RMB548.00
AA923 Phospho-Aurora antibody >20T RMB659.00
AB008 Bad antibody >40T RMB603.00
AB009 Phospho-Bad(Ser112) antibody >20T RMB430.00
AB016 Bak antibody >20T RMB872.00
AB026 Bax antibody >20T RMB646.00
AB112 Bcl-2 antibody >20T RMB895.00
AB116 Phospho-Bcl-2(Ser70) antibody >20T RMB882.00
AB126 Bcl-xL antibody >20T RMB873.00
AB310 BiP antibody >30T RMB523.00
AB600 Phospho-BRCA1(Ser1423) antibody >20T RMB588.00
AC012 Calpain 1 Large Subunit antibody >20T RMB873.00
AC018 Calnexin antibody >20T RMB558.00
AC030 Caspase-3 antibody >20T RMB763.00
AC033 Cleaved Caspase-3(Asp175) antibody >20T RMB893.00
AC056 Caspase-8 antibody >20T RMB703.00
AC062 Caspase-9 antibody >10T RMB603.00
AC106 β-Catenin antibody >20T RMB712.00
AC207 Phospho-cdc2 (Tyr15) antibody >20T RMB885.00
AC251 CDK4 antibody >30T RMB486.00
AC256 CDK6 antibody >20T RMB633.00
AC301 CENP-A antibody >20T RMB766.00
AC305 Phospho-CENP-A(Ser7) antibody >20T RMB940.00
AC506 Phospho-Chk1(Ser345) antibody >20T RMB883.00
AC508 Phospho-Chk2(Thr68) antibody >20T RMB698.00
AC532 CHOP antibody >20T RMB877.00
AC610 COX IV antibody >20T RMB876.00
AC853 Cyclin D1 antibody >20T RMB615.00
AC856 Cyclin D3 antibody >20T RMB610.00
AC908 Cytochrome C antibody 10μg RMB468.00
AC909 Cytochrome C antibody >20T RMB469.00
AE850 ERp44 antibody >20T RMB716.00
AE851 ERp44 antibody >20T RMB873.00
AE905 Estrogen Receptor α antibody >20T RMB589.00
AE907 Phospho-Estrogen Receptor α (Ser118) antibody >20T RMB567.00
AF0001 α-Tubulin Rabbit Polyclonal Antibody 100μl RMB399.00
AF0003 β-Actin Mouse Monoclonal Antibody 100μl RMB399.00
AF0006 GAPDH Mouse Monoclonal Antibody 100μl RMB399.00
AF0009 Histone H3 Mouse Monoclonal Antibody 100μl RMB399.00
AF0033 Myc Tag Mouse Monoclonal Antibody 100μl RMB399.00
AF0036 FLAG Tag Rabbit Polyclonal Antibody 100μl RMB399.00
AF0039 HA Tag Rabbit Polyclonal Antibody 100μl RMB399.00
AF380 Fibrillarin antibody >20T RMB875.00
AF519 Flag antibody >40T RMB495.00
AF603 FoxO1 antibody >20T RMB876.00
AF605 Phospho-FoxO1(Thr24)/FoxO3a(Thr32) antibody >20T RMB878.00
AF609 FoxO3a antibody >20T RMB877.00
AF616 FoxO4 antibody >20T RMB878.00
AG019 GAPDH antibody >40T RMB399.00
AG259 GFAP antibody >50T RMB406.00
AG279 GFP antibody >40T RMB408.00
AG281 GFP antibody >40T RMB416.00
AG751 GSK-3β antibody >20T RMB711.00
AG753 Phospho-GSK-3β(Ser9) antibody >20T RMB882.00
AG768 GST antibody >20T RMB795.00
AH158 HA antibody >40T RMB516.00
AH210 HER2/ErbB2 antibody >20T RMB711.00
AH212 Phospho-HER2/ErbB2(Tyr1221/1222) antibody >20T RMB878.00
AH339 HIF-1α antibody >20T RMB889.00
AH367 His-tag antibody >20T RMB409.00
AH379 HDAC1 antibody >20T RMB542.00
AH382 HDAC2 antibody >20T RMB396.00
AH385 HDAC3 antibody >20T RMB640.00
AH388 HDAC4 antibody >20T RMB522.00
AH392 HDAC5 antibody >20T RMB549.00
AH395 HDAC6 antibody >20T RMB773.00
AH398 HDAC7 antibody >20T RMB431.00
AH419 Histone H2A antibody >20T RMB881.00
AH426 Histone H2B antibody >20T RMB882.00
AH433 Histone H3 antibody >30T RMB548.00
AH436 Di-Methyl-Histone H3(Lys4) antibody >20T RMB946.00
AH438 Di-Methyl-Histone H3(Lys9) antibody >20T RMB792.00
AH453 Phospho-Histone H3(Ser10) antibody >20T RMB430.00
AH458 Histone H4 antibody >20T RMB408.00
AH728 HSP70 antibody >30T RMB386.00
AH732 HSP90 antibody >40T RMB607.00
AI096 IkB-α antibody >10T RMB492.00
AI131 IKKα antibody >20T RMB883.00
AI137 IKKβ antibody >20T RMB743.00
AI139 Phospho-IKKα/β(Ser176/180) antibody >20T RMB878.00
AI601 IRE1α antibody >20T RMB833.00
AI618 IRS1 antibody >20T RMB903.00
AI621 Phospho-IRS1(Ser302) antibody >20T RMB941.00
AI623 Phospho-IRS1(Ser307) antibody >20T RMB528.00
AJ516 Phospho-JNK/SAPK antibody >20T RMB419.00
AJ518 JNK/SAPK antibody >20T RMB476.00
AL221 LC3B antibody >20T RMB882.00
AL386 LKB1 antibody >20T RMB516.00
AM058 MAP1b(MAP5) antibody >10T RMB473.00
AM063 Phospho-p38 MAPK antibody >20T RMB538.00
AM065 p38 MAPK antibody >20T RMB596.00
AM071 Phospho-p44/42 MAPK antibody >20T RMB408.00
AM076 p44/42 MAPK antibody >20T RMB521.00
AM832 mTOR antibody >20T RMB589.00
AM926 Myc antibody >30T RMB453.00
AM933 Monoclonal rabbit anti-Myc antibody >20T RMB896.00
AN203 Nestin antibody >20T RMB521.00
AN205 Nestin antibody >20T RMB521.00
AN365 NF-κB p65 antibody >40T RMB473.00
AN371 Phospho-NF-κB p65(Ser536) antibody >20T RMB881.00
AN816 NUP98 antibody >20T RMB866.00
AP021 p21 antibody >40T RMB489.00
AP027 p27 antibody >40T RMB492.00
AP035 p35 Rabbit Polyclonal Antibody >20T RMB398.00
AP060 p35/p25 antibody >40T RMB496.00
AP062 p53 antibody >20T RMB658.00
AP068 Phospho-p53(Ser15) antibody >20T RMB873.00
AP100 Par-4 antibody >20T RMB505.00
AP102 PARP antibody >20T RMB796.00
AP233 PDI antibody >20T RMB732.00
AP328 Phospho-PERK(Thr980) antibody >20T RMB870.00
AP430 PKCα antibody >20T RMB518.00
AP686 PTEN antibody >20T RMB711.00
AR038 Rab5 antibody >20T RMB635.00
AR092 Phospho-Rb(Ser807/811) antibody >20T RMB872.00
AR861 RSK1/p90RSK antibody >20T RMB811.00
AR865 Phospho-RSK1/p90RSK(Ser380) antibody >20T RMB945.00
AS391 Sirt1/Sir2 antibody >20T RMB718.00
AS792 Survivin antibody >20T RMB905.00
AT809 Neuronal Class III β-Tubulin(Tuj1) antibody >10T RMB527.00
AT819 Tubulin antibody >40T RMB399.00
AV202 VEGF antibody >20T RMB612.00
AX356 XIAP antibody >20T RMB710.00
A7007 Goat IgG 250μg RMB288.00
A7016 Rabbit IgG 250μg RMB290.00
A7028 Mouse IgG 250μg RMB322.00
Secondary Antibody
Cat.No. Product Name Package Price
A0181 HRP-labeled Donkey Anti-Goat IgG (H+L) 0.2ml RMB179.00
A0192 HRP-labeled Goat Anti-Rat IgG (H+L) 0.5ml RMB208.00
A0201 HRP-labeled Goat Anti-Human IgG (H+L) 1ml RMB209.00
A0208 HRP-labeled Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG (H+L) 1ml RMB193.00
A0216 HRP-labeled Goat Anti-Mouse IgG (H+L) 1ml RMB191.00
A0239 AP-labeled Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG (H+L) 0.5ml RMB248.00
A0258 AP-labeled Goat Anti-Mouse IgG (H+L) 0.5ml RMB251.00
A0266 AP-labeled Goat Anti-Ass IgG (H+L) 0.5ml RMB412.00
A0277 Biotin-labeled Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG (H+L) 1ml RMB309.00
A0286 Biotin-labeled Goat Anti-Mouse IgG (H+L) 1ml RMB287.00
A0303 HRP-labeled Streptavidin 0.2ml RMB203.00
A0312 AP-labeled Streptavidin 0.2ml RMB246.00
A0408 Alexa Fluor 350-labeled Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG(H+L) 0.1ml RMB463.00
A0409 AMCA-labeled Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG (H+L) 0.2ml RMB463.00
A0412 Alexa Fluor 350-labeled Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG(H+L) 0.1ml RMB462.00
A0413 AMCA-labeled Goat Anti-Mouse IgG (H+L) 0.2ml RMB462.00
A0423 Alexa Fluor 488-labeled Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG(H+L) 0.1ml RMB431.00
A0428 Alexa Fluor 488-labeled Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG(H+L) 0.1ml RMB430.00
A0453 Alexa Fluor 555-labeled Donkey Anti-Rabbit IgG(H+L) 0.1ml RMB428.00
A0460 Alexa Fluor 555-labeled Donkey Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L) 0.1ml RMB426.00
A0468 Alexa Fluor 647-labeled Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG(H+L) 0.1ml RMB488.00
A0473 Alexa Fluor 647-labeled Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG(H+L) 0.1ml RMB487.00
A0502 Cy3-labeled Donkey Anti-Goat IgG(H+L) 0.05ml RMB406.00
A0507 Cy3-labeled Goat Anti-Rat IgG (H+L) 0.1ml RMB386.00
A0516 Cy3-labeled Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG (H+L) 0.1ml RMB348.00
A0521 Cy3-labeled Goat Anti-Mouse IgG (H+L) 0.1ml RMB355.00
A0539 Cy5-labeled Goat Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L) 0.1ml
A0556 FITC-labeled Goat Anti-Human IgG (H+L) 0.1ml RMB322.00
A0562 FITC-labeled Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG (H+L) 0.1ml RMB312.00
A0568 FITC-labeled Goat Anti-Mouse IgG (H+L) 0.1ml RMB311.00
A0605 DyLight 405-labeled Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG(H+L) 0.1ml RMB431.00
A0609 DyLight 405-labeled Goat Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L) 0.1ml RMB430.00
A7007 Goat IgG 250μg RMB288.00
A7016 Rabbit IgG 250μg RMB290.00
A7028 Mouse IgG 250μg RMB322.00
Cat.No. Product Name Package Price
P0018 BeyoECL Plus (ECL like Western reagent) total 100ml RMB278.00
P0018A BeyoECL Star (ECL like Western reagent) total 100ml RMB326.00
P0019 Developer and Fixer Kit 1gal. each RMB148.00
P0020 Developer and Fixer Kit 1L each RMB115.00
P0021A Western Transfer Buffer 1L RMB32.60
P0021B Western Transfer Buffer 10×1L RMB225.00
P0021C Western Semi-dry Transfer Buffer 1L RMB35.00
P0021D Western Semi-dry Transfer Buffer 10×1L RMB233.00
P0021S Soaking and Activation Buffer for PVDF Membrane 250ml RMB58.00
P0022 Ponceau S Staining Solution 120ml RMB92.00
P0023A Western Primary Antibody Dilution Solution 100ml RMB106.00
P0023B Western Blocking Solution 100ml RMB106.00
P0023C Western Wash Buffer 250ml RMB45.00
P0023C3 Western Wash Buffer(10X) 100ml RMB33.00
P0023C6 Western Wash Buffer(10X) 10×100ml RMB229.00
P0023D Western Secondary Antibody Dilution Solution 100ml RMB108.00
P0025 Western Stripping Buffer(Strongly alkali) 250ml RMB165.00
P0025B Western Stripping Buffer(Weak alkali ) 250ml RMB198.00
P0025N Western Stripping Buffer(Neutral) 250ml RMB258.00
P0025S Western Stripping Buffer(Acidic) 250ml RMB186.00
P0202 DAB Horseradish Peroxidase Color Development Kit total 20ml RMB73.00
P0203 DAB Horseradish Peroxidase Color Development Kit total 100ml RMB212.00
P0209 TMB Horseradish Peroxidase Color Development Solution for ELISA 100ml RMB213.00
P0211 TMB Horseradish Peroxidase Color Development Solution for Immunohistochemistry or Blotting 100ml RMB222.00
P0220 QuickBlock™ Blocking Buffer(PBS) 100ml RMB111.00
P0222 Quickblock™ Blocking Buffer(PBSTw) 100ml RMB111.00
P0226 Quickblock™ Blocking Buffer(PBSTx) 100ml RMB111.00
P0228 Quickblock™ Blocking Buffer(TBS) 100ml RMB111.00
P0231 Quickblock™ Blocking Buffer(TBSTw) 100ml RMB111.00
P0233 Quickblock™ Blocking Buffer(TBSTx) 100ml RMB111.00
P0235 Quickblock™ Blocking Buffer(10X) 100ml RMB798.00
P0252 QuickBlock™ WesternBlocking Buffer 100ml RMB111.00
P0256 QuickBlock™ Primary Antibody Dilution Buffer for Western Blot 100ml RMB111.00
P0258 QuickBlock™ Secondary Antibody Dilution Buffer for Western Blot 100ml RMB111.00
C3206 BCIP/NBT Alkaline Phosphatase Color Development Kit total 100ml RMB215.00
Cat.No. Product Name Package Price
P2006 Protein A Agarose 2ml RMB439.00
P2009 Protein G Agarose 2ml RMB485.00
P2012 Protein A+G Agarose 2ml RMB486.00
P2078 ChIP Assay Kit 22T RMB1396.00
A7007 Goat IgG 250μg RMB288.00
A7016 Rabbit IgG 250μg RMB290.00
A7028 Mouse IgG 250μg RMB322.00
Cat.No. Product Name Package Price
P0081 Citrate Antigen Retrieval Solution 100ml RMB75.00
P0083 Improved Citrate Antigen Retrieval Solution 100ml RMB96.00
P0085 EDTA Antigen Retrieval Solution 100ml RMB75.00
P0086 Citrate-EDTA Antigen Retrieval Solution 125ml RMB96.00
P0088 All-purpose Powerful Antigen Retrieval Solution 100ml RMB107.00
P0090 Quick Antigen Retrieval Solution for Frozen Sections 100ml RMB85.00
P0092 Antigen Retrieval Solution for Floating Sections 100ml RMB85.00
P0098 Immunol Staining Fix Solution 100ml RMB52.00
P0102 Immunol Staining Blocking Solution 100ml RMB136.00
P0103 Immunol Staining Primary Antibody Dilution Solution 100ml RMB136.00
P0106 Immnol Staining Wash Buffer 250ml RMB46.60
P0106C Immnol Staining Wash Buffer(10X) 100ml RMB32.00
P0106L Immnol Staining Wash Buffer(10X) 10×100ml RMB226.00
P0108 Immnol Fluorence Staining Secondary Antibody Dilution Solution 100ml RMB136.00
P0110 Immnol Staining (Non-fluenrence) Secondary Antibody Dilution Solution 100ml RMB149.00
P0220 Quickblock™ Blocking Buffer(PBS) 100ml RMB111.00
P0222 Quickblock™ Blocking Buffer(PBSTw) 100ml RMB111.00
P0226 Quickblock™ Blocking Buffer(PBSTx) 100ml RMB111.00
P0228 Quickblock™ Blocking Buffer(TBS) 100ml RMB111.00
P0231 Quickblock™ Blocking Buffer(TBSTw) 100ml RMB111.00
P0233 Quickblock™ Blocking Buffer(TBSTx) 100ml RMB111.00
P0235 Quickblock™ Blocking Buffer(10X) 100ml RMB798.00
P0260 QuickBlock™ Blocking Buffer for Immunol Staining 100ml RMB111.00
P0262 QuickBlock™ Primary Antibody Dilution Buffer for Immunol Staining 100ml RMB111.00
P0265 QuickBlock™ Secondary Antibody Dilution Buffer for Immunofluorescence 100ml RMB111.00
P0267 QuickBlock™ Secondary Antibody Dilution Buffer for Immunohistochemistry 100ml RMB111.00
C0181 Kisser’s Mounting Medium 10ml RMB42.00
C0183 (phenol free)Kisser’s Mounting Medium, phenol free 10ml RMB46.00
C0185 Polyvinylpyrrolidone Mounting Medium 10ml RMB65.00
C0187 Glycerol Jelly Mounting Medium 10ml RMB42.00
P0123 Antifade Polyvinylpyrrolidone Mounting Medium 5ml RMB96.00
P0126 Antifade Mounting Medium 5ml RMB98.00
P0128 Antifade Mounting Medium 5ml RMB93.00
P0153 Immunol Fluorence Staining Kit with Cy3-Labeled Goat Anti-Rat IgG >300T RMB505.00
P0166 Immunol Fluorence Staining Kit with FITC-Labeled Goat Anti-Human IgG >300T RMB505.00
P0173 Immunol Fluorence Staining Kit with Cy3-Labeled Donkey Anti-Goat IgG >300T RMB496.00
P0175 Immunol Fluorence Staining Kit with Alexa Fluor 350-Labeled Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG >300T RMB527.00
P0175A Immunol Fluorence Staining Kit with AMCA-Labeled Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG >300T RMB527.00
P0176 Immunol Fluorence Staining Kit with Alexa Fluor 488-Labeled Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG >300T RMB506.00
P0179 Immunol Fluorence Staining Kit with Alexa Fluor 555-Labeled Donkey Anti-Rabbit IgG >300T RMB503.00
P0180 Immunol Fluorence Staining Kit with Alexa Fluor 647-Labeled Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG >300T RMB538.00
P0183 Immunol Fluorence Staining Kit with Cy3-Labeled Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG >300T RMB452.00
P0185D Immunol Fluorence Staining Kit with DyLight 405-Labeled Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG >300T RMB516.00
P0186 Immunol Fluorence Staining Kit with FITC-Labeled Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG >300T RMB452.00
P0187 Immunol Fluorence Staining Kit with Alexa Fluor 350-Labeled Goat Anti-Mouse IgG >300T RMB528.00
P0187A Immunol Fluorence Staining Kit with AMCA-Labeled Goat Anti-Mouse IgG >300T RMB528.00
P0188 Immunol Fluorence Staining Kit with Alexa Fluor 488-Labeled Goat Anti-Mouse IgG >300T RMB506.00
P0190 Immunol Fluorence Staining Kit with Alexa Fluor 555-Labeled Donkey Anti-Mouse IgG >300T RMB505.00
P0191 Immunol Fluorence Staining Kit with Alexa Fluor 647-Labeled Goat Anti-Mouse IgG >300T RMB539.00
P0193 Immunol Fluorence Staining Kit with Cy3-Labeled Goat Anti-Mouse IgG >300T RMB452.00
P0195 Immunol Fluorence Staining Kit with Cy5-Labeled Goat Anti-Mouse IgG >300T
P0195D Immunol Fluorence Staining Kit with DyLight 405-Labeled Goat Anti-Mouse IgG >300T RMB518.00
P0196 Immunol Fluorence Staining Kit with FITC-Labeled Goat Anti-Mouse IgG >300T RMB452.00
P0202 DAB Horseradish Peroxidase Color Development Kit total 20ml RMB73.00
P0203 DAB Horseradish Peroxidase Color Development Kit total 100ml RMB212.00
P0209 TMB Horseradish Peroxidase Color Development Solution for ELISA 100ml RMB213.00
P0211 TMB Horseradish Peroxidase Color Development Solution for Immunohistochemistry or Blotting 100ml RMB222.00
C3206 BCIP/NBT Alkaline Phosphatase Color Development Kit total 100ml RMB215.00

三、Cell Biology

Apoptosis & Necrosis Cell Proliferation Autophagy Cell Culture Staining
Transfection Subcellular Fractionation      

Apoptosis & Necrosis
Cat.No. Product Name Package Price
C0003 Apoptosis, Hoechst Staining Kit 100T RMB353.00
C0005 Apoptosis Inducers Kit 200T RMB215.00
C0007 Apoptosis, DNA Ladder Extraction Kit 50T RMB193.00
C0008 Apoptosis, DNA Ladder Extraction Kit with Spin Column 50T RMB431.00
C0009 MTT Cell Proliferation and Cytotoxicity Assay Kit 500T RMB246.00
C0011 Typan Blue Staining Cell Viability Assay Kit 100T RMB96.00
C0013 Neutral Red Cell Proliferation and Cytotoxicology Assay Kit 500T RMB255.00
C0016 Neutral Red LDH Cytotoxicity Assay Kit 100T RMB176.00
C0017 Neutral Red LDH Cytotoxicity Assay Kit 500T RMB498.00
C0035 WST-1 Cell Proliferation and Cytotoxicity Assay Kit 100T RMB96.00
C0036 WST-1 Cell Proliferation and Cytotoxicity Assay Kit 500T RMB396.00
C0037 Cell Counting Kit-8 100T RMB96.00
C0038 Cell Counting Kit-8 500T RMB398.00
C0039 Cell Counting Kit-8 2500T RMB1268.00
C0041 Enhanced Cell Counting Kit-8 100T RMB128.00
C0042 Enhanced Cell Counting Kit-8 500T RMB468.00
C0043 Enhanced Cell Counting Kit-8 2500T RMB1528.00
C1002 DAPI 1mg RMB226.00
C1005 DAPI Staining Solution 10ml RMB102.00
C1006 DAPI Staining Solution 50ml RMB354.00
C1011 Hoechst 33258 10mg RMB192.00
C1017 Hoechst 33258 Staining Solution 10ml RMB98.00
C1018 Hoechst 33258 Staining Solution 50ml RMB318.00
C1022 Hoechst 33342 10mg RMB196.00
C1025 Hoechst 33342 Staining Solution 10ml RMB92.00
C1026 Hoechst 33342 Staining Solution 50ml RMB312.00
C1052 Cell Cycle and Apoptosis Analysis Kit 50T RMB312.00
C1056 Apoptosis and Necrosis Assay Kit 100T RMB216.00
C1062 Annexin V-FITC Apoptosis Detection Kit 20T RMB598.00
C1063 Annexin V-FITC Apoptosis Detection Kit 50T RMB1068.00
C1065 Annexin V-PE Apoptosis Detection Kit 20T RMB689.00
C1067 Annexin V-EGFP Apoptosis Detection Kit 20T RMB596.00
C1068 Annexin V-EGFP Apoptosis Detection Kit 50T RMB1066.00
C1082 TUNEL Preparation of positive control Detect Kit 10T RMB176.00
C1086 One Step TUNEL Apoptosis Assay Kit 20T RMB1380.00
C1088 One Step TUNEL Apoptosis Assay Kit 50T RMB2468.00
C1089 One Step TUNEL Apoptosis Assay Kit 20T RMB1398.00
C1090 One Step TUNEL Apoptosis Assay Kit 50T RMB2498.00
C1091 Colorimetric TUNEL Apoptosis Assay Kit 20T RMB1478.00
C1098 Colorimetric TUNEL Apoptosis Assay Kit 50T RMB2558.00
C1101 Caspase 1 Activity Assay Kit 20T RMB496.00
C1102 Caspase 1 Activity Assay Kit 100T RMB1726.00
C1107 Caspase 2 Activity Assay Kit 20T RMB528.00
C1108 Caspase 2 Activity Assay Kit 100T RMB1821.00
C1115 Caspase 3 Activity Assay Kit 20T RMB496.00
C1116 Caspase 3 Activity Assay Kit 100T RMB1728.00
C1121 Caspase 4 Activity Assay Kit 20T RMB528.00
C1122 Caspase 4 Activity Assay Kit 100T RMB1828.00
C1135 Caspase 6 Activity Assay Kit 20T RMB528.00
C1136 Caspase 6 Activity Assay Kit 100T RMB1828.00
C1151 Caspase 8 Activity Assay Kit 20T RMB508.00
C1152 Caspase 8 Activity Assay Kit 100T RMB1758.00
C1157 Caspase 9 Activity Assay Kit 20T RMB518.00
C1158 Caspase 9 Activity Assay Kit 100T RMB1768.00
C1202 Caspase Inhibitor Z-VAD-FMK(20mM) 20μl RMB328.00
C1206 Caspase 3 Inhibitor Ac-DEVD-CHO(10mM) 100μl RMB418.00
C2005 JC-1 1mg RMB768.00
C2006 Mitochondrial membrane potential assay kit with JC-1 >100T RMB882.00
C2007 Rhodamine 123 5mg RMB246.00
AB026 Bax antibody >20T RMB646.00
AB112 Bcl-2 antibody >20T RMB895.00
AC030 Caspase-3 antibody >20T RMB763.00
AC033 Cleaved Caspase-3(Asp175) antibody >20T RMB893.00
AC908 Cytochrome C antibody 10μg RMB468.00
AP102 PARP antibody >20T RMB796.00
AT819 Tubulin antibody >40T RMB399.00
D0072 DNA Loading Buffer (BeyoRed, 6X) 2ml RMB28.00
D0107 DNA Ladder 100T RMB149.00
D0109 DNA Ladder(BeyoRed) 100T RMB162.00
ST511 Propidium Iodide 5mg RMB215.00
ST512 Propidium Iodide 20mg RMB689.00
Cell Proliferation
Cat.No. Product Name Package Price
C0009 MTT Cell Proliferation and Cytotoxicity Assay Kit 500T RMB246.00
C0013 Neutral Red Cell Proliferation and Cytotoxicology Assay Kit 500T RMB255.00
C0016 Neutral Red LDH Cytotoxicity Assay Kit 100T RMB176.00
C0017 Neutral Red LDH Cytotoxicity Assay Kit 500T RMB498.00
C0035 WST-1 Cell Proliferation and Cytotoxicity Assay Kit 100T RMB96.00
C0036 WST-1 Cell Proliferation and Cytotoxicity Assay Kit 500T RMB396.00
C0037 Cell Counting Kit-8 100T RMB96.00
C0038 Cell Counting Kit-8 500T RMB398.00
C0039 Cell Counting Kit-8 2500T RMB1268.00
C0041 Enhanced Cell Counting Kit-8 100T RMB218.00
C0042 Enhanced Cell Counting Kit-8 500T RMB468.00
C0043 Enhanced Cell Counting Kit-8 2500T RMB1528.00
C0051 CFDA SE Cell Proliferation Assay and Tracking Kit 2000T RMB883.00
C1031 CFDA SE 5mg RMB710.00
Cat.No. Product Name Package Price
C3006 Ad-GFP-LC3B 1ml RMB798.00
C3007 Ad-GFP-LC3B 10×1ml RMB3298.00
C3011 Ad-mCherry-GFP-LC3B 1ml RMB798.00
C3012 Ad-mCherry-GFP-LC3B 10×1ml RMB3298.00
AA820 Atg7 antibody >20T RMB570.00
AL221 LC3B antibody >20T RMB882.00
AS391 Sirt1/Sir2 antibody >20T RMB718.00
Cell Culture
Cat.No. Product Name Package Price
C0201 Trypsin-EDTA Solution 100ml RMB28.00
C0203 Trypsin-EDTA Solution(Containing phenol red) 100ml RMB31.00
C0212 L-Glutamine(100X) 100ml RMB52.00
C0218 Hanks' Balanced Salt Solution 500ml RMB42.00
C0219 Hanks' Balanced Salt Solution(with Ca2+ & Mg2+)  500ml RMB42.00
C0220 7.5% NaHCO3 Solutioin 100ml RMB35.00
C0221A PBS 500ml RMB42.00
C0221D D-PBS 500ml RMB42.00
C0221G D-PBS(with Ca2+ & Mg2+) 500ml RMB42.00
C0222 Penicillin-Streptomycin Solution, 100X 100ml RMB43.00
C0230 Fetal Bovine Serum, FBS 500ml RMB2180.00
C0232 Fetal Bovine Serum, FBS 500ml RMB2790.00
C0235 Fetal Bovine Serum, FBS 500ml RMB5200.00
C0242 Newborn Calf Serum, NCS 500ml RMB696.00
C0246 Horse Serum 500ml RMB906.00
C0251 Fetal Bovine Serum, FBS 50ml RMB232.00
C0252 Fetal Bovine Serum, FBS 500ml RMB2160.00
C0256 Fetal Bovine Serum, FBS 50ml RMB426.00
C0257 Fetal Bovine Serum, FBS 500ml RMB4158.00
C0258 Newborn Calf Serum, NCS 50ml RMB72.00
C0262 Horse Serum 50ml RMB86.00
C0265 Goat Serum 50ml RMB71.00
C0296 Mycoplasma Stain Assay Kit >100T RMB255.00
C0312 Poly-D-lysine Solutioin 2mg RMB105.00
C0313 Poly-L-lysine Solutioin 5mg RMB105.00
ST083 L-Glutamine 100g RMB297.00
ST476 PBS(10X) 500ml RMB61.00
Cat.No. Product Name Package Price
C0105 Hematoxylin and Eosin Staining Kit >200T RMB312.00
C0107 Hematoxylin Staining Solution 100ml RMB262.00
C0109 Eosin Staining Solution 100ml RMB128.00
C0115 Methyl Green Staining Solution 100ml RMB146.00
C0117 Nissl Staining Solution 100ml RMB196.00
C0119 Methyl Green-Pyronin Staining Solution 100ml RMB216.00
C0121 Crystal Violet Staining Solution 100ml RMB76.00
C0123 Neutral Red Staining Solution 100ml RMB105.00
C0125 Neutral Red Staining Solution 100ml RMB126.00
C0181 Kisser’s Mounting Medium 10ml RMB42.00
C0183 Kisser’s Mounting Medium(phenol free) 10ml RMB46.00
C0185 Polyvinylpyrrolidone Mounting Medium 10ml RMB65.00
C0187 Glycerol Jelly Mounting Medium 10ml RMB42.00
P0123 Antifade Polyvinylpyrrolidone Mounting Medium 5ml RMB96.00
P0126 Antifade Mounting Medium 5ml RMB98.00
P0128 Antifade Mounting Medium 5ml RMB93.00
C0602 Senescence β-Galactosidase Staining Kit >100T RMB582.00
C0605 Lysosomal β-Galactosidase Staining Kit >100T RMB473.00
RG0039 In Situ β-galactosidase Staining Kit >100T RMB472.00
C1002 DAPI 1mg RMB226.00
C1005 DAPI Staining Solution 10ml RMB102.00
C1006 DAPI Staining Solution 50ml RMB354.00
C1011 Hoechst 33258 10mg RMB192.00
C1017 Hoechst 33258 Staining Solution 10ml RMB98.00
C1018 Hoechst 33258 Staining Solution 50ml RMB318.00
C1022 Hoechst 33342 10mg RMB196.00
C1025 Hoechst 33342 Staining Solution 10ml RMB92.00
C1026 Hoechst 33342 Staining Solution 50ml RMB312.00
C1033 Actin-Tracker Green 0.2ml RMB430.00
C1036 DiI 10mg RMB408.00
C1038 DiO 10mg RMB441.00
C1041 ER-Tracker Red 20μl RMB1150.00
C1043 Golgi-Tracker Red 1mg RMB1279.00
C1046 Lyso-Tracker Red 50μl RMB325.00
C1048 Mito-Tracker Green 50μg RMB286.00
C1050 Tubulin-Tracker Red 40μl RMB818.00
C3206 BCIP/NBT Alkaline Phosphatase Color Development Kit total 100ml RMB215.00
C0051 CFDA SE Cell Proliferation Assay and Tracking Kit 2000T RMB883.00
C1031 CFDA SE 5mg RMB710.00
P0202 DAB Horseradish Peroxidase Color Development Kit total 20ml RMB73.00
P0203 DAB Horseradish Peroxidase Color Development Kit total 100ml RMB212.00
P0209 TMB Horseradish Peroxidase Color Development Solution for ELISA 100ml RMB213.00
P0211 TMB Horseradish Peroxidase Color Development Solution for Immunohistochemistry or Blotting 100ml RMB222.00
Cat.No. Product Name Package Price
C0508 Calcium Phosphate Cell Transfection Kit >200T RMB251.00
C0511 DEAE-Dextran Transfection Kit >200T RMB345.00
C0526 Lipo6000™Transfection Reagent 0.5ml RMB298.00
C0528 Lipo6000™Transfection Reagent 1.5ml RMB788.00
C0529 Lipo6000™Transfection Reagent 5×1.5ml RMB3158.00
Subcellular Fractionation
Cat.No. Product Name Package Price
P0027 Nuclear and Cytoplasmic Protein Extraction Kit  50T RMB 462.00
P0028 Nuclear and Cytoplasmic Protein Extraction Kit 100T RMB818.00
P0033 Membrane and Cytosol Protein Extraction Kit 100T RMB615.00
C3601 Cell Mitochondria Isolation Kit 50-100T RMB398.00
C3606 Tissue Mitochondria Isolation Kit 50-100T RMB399.00
C3702 Red Blood Cell Lysis Buffer 120ml RMB72.00

四、Signal Transduction

EMSA Reporter Assay Nitric Oxide ROS Inhibitor & Agonist
Fluorescence Probe Others      

Cat.No. Product Name Package Price
GS002 EMSA/Gel-Shift Kit 100T RMB1066.00
GS005 EMSA/Gel-Shift Binding Buffer (5X) 100T RMB492.00
GS006 EMSA/Gel-Shift Loading Buffer (Colerless, 10X) 200T RMB39.00
GS007 EMSA/Gel-Shift Loading Buffer (Blue, 10X) 200T RMB39.00
GS008 EMSA Probe Biotin Labeling Kit 20T RMB1358.00
GS009 Chemiluminescent EMSA Kit 100T RMB1399.00
GS009B Blocking Solution for GS009 380ml RMB106.00
GS009W Wash Buffer for GS009 250ml RMB106.00
GS011 EMSA Probe AP1(1.75μM) 60μl RMB171.00
GS011A EMSA Probe AP1(10μM) 30μl RMB399.00
GS011B Biotin-labeled EMSA probe-AP1(0.2μM) 200μl RMB612.00
GS011M Mutant EMSA Probe AP1(1.75μM) 60μl RMB175.00
GS011T Mutant EMSA Probe AP1(10μM) 30μl RMB402.00
GS012 EMSA Probe AP2(1.75μM) 60μl RMB171.00
GS012A EMSA Probe AP2(10μM) 30μl RMB399.00
GS012B Biotin-labeled EMSA probe-AP2(0.2μM) 200μl RMB612.00
GS012M Mutant EMSA Probe AP2(1.75μM) 60μl RMB175.00
GS012T Mutant EMSA Probe AP2(10μM) 30μl RMB402.00
GS013 EMSA Probe ARE(1.75μM) 60μl RMB171.00
GS013A EMSA Probe ARE(10μM) 30μl RMB399.00
GS013B Biotin-labeled EMSA probe-ARE(0.2μM) 200μl RMB612.00
GS013M Mutant EMSA Probe ARE(1.75μM) 60μl RMB175.00
GS013T Mutant EMSA Probe ARE(10μM) 30μl RMB402.00
GS016 EMSA Probe C/EBP(1.75μM) 60μl RMB171.00
GS016A EMSA Probe C/EBP(10μM) 30μl RMB399.00
GS016B Biotin-labeled EMSA probe -C/EBP(0.2μM) 200μl RMB612.00
GS016M Mutant EMSA Probe C/EBP(1.75μM) 60μl RMB175.00
GS016T Mutant EMSA Probe C/EBP(10μM) 30μl RMB402.00
GS018 EMSA Probe-β-Catenin-TCF(1.75μM) 60μl RMB171.00
GS018A EMSA Probe-β-Catenin-TCF (10μM) 30μl RMB399.00
GS018B Biotin-labeled EMSA probe-β-Catenin-TCF(0.2μM) 200μl RMB612.00
GS018M Mutant EMSA Probe-β-Catenin/TCF(1.75μM) 60μl RMB175.00
GS018T Mutant EMSA Probe-β-Catenin/TCF(10μM) 30μl RMB402.00
GS021 EMSA Probe CREB(1.75μM) 60μl RMB171.00
GS021A EMSA Probe CREB(10μM) 30μl RMB399.00
GS021B Biotin-labeled EMSA probe-CREB(0.2μM) 200μl RMB612.00
GS021M Mutant EMSA Probe CREB(1.75μM) 60μl RMB175.00
GS021T Mutant EMSA Probe CREB(10μM) 30μl RMB402.00
GS032 EMSA Probe HIF-1α(1.75μM) 60μl RMB171.00
GS032A EMSA Probe HIF-1α(10μM) 30μl RMB399.00
GS032B Biotin-labeled EMSA probe-HIF-1α(0.2μM) 200μl RMB612.00
GS032M Mutant EMSA Probe HIF-1α(1.75μM) 60μl RMB175.00
GS032T Mutant EMSA Probe HIF-1α(10μM) 30μl RMB402.00
GS056 EMSA Probe NF-κB(1.75μM) 60μl RMB171.00
GS056A EMSA Probe NF-κB(10μM) 30μl RMB399.00
GS056B Biotin-labeled EMSA probe-NF-κB(0.2μM) 200μl RMB612.00
GS056M Mutant EMSA Probe NF-κB(1.75μM) 60μl RMB175.00
GS056T Mutant EMSA Probe NF-κB(10μM) 30μl RMB402.00
GS061 EMSA Probe OCT1(1.75μM) 60μl RMB171.00
GS061A EMSA Probe OCT1(10μM) 30μl RMB399.00
GS061B Biotin-labeled EMSA probe-OCT-1(0.2μM) 200μl RMB612.00
GS061M Mutant EMSA Probe OCT1(1.75μM) 60μl RMB175.00
GS061T Mutant EMSA Probe OCT1(10μM) 30μl RMB402.00
GS066 EMSA Probe p53(1.75μM) 60μl RMB171.00
GS066A EMSA Probe p53(10μM) 30μl RMB399.00
GS066B Biotin-labeled EMSA probe-p53(0.2μM) 200μl RMB612.00
GS066M Mutant EMSA Probe p53(1.75μM) 60μl RMB175.00
GS066T Mutant EMSA Probe p53(10μM) 30μl RMB402.00
GS072 EMSA Probe PPAR(1.75μM) 60μl RMB171.00
GS072A EMSA Probe PPAR(10μM) 30μl RMB399.00
GS072B Biotin-labeled EMSA probe-PPAR(0.2μM) 200μl RMB612.00
GS072M Mutant EMSA Probe PPAR(1.75μM) 60μl RMB175.00
GS072T Mutant EMSA Probe PPAR(10μM) 30μl RMB402.00
GS078 EMSA Probe SP1(1.75μM) 60μl RMB171.00
GS078A EMSA Probe SP1(10μM) 30μl RMB399.00
GS078B Biotin-labeled EMSA probe-SP1(0.2μM) 200μl RMB612.00
GS078M Mutant EMSA Probe SP1(1.75μM) 60μl RMB175.00
GS078T Mutant EMSA Probe SP1(10μM) 30μl RMB402.00
GS083 EMSA Probe STAT3(1.75μM) 60μl RMB171.00
GS083A EMSA Probe STAT3(10μM) 30μl RMB399.00
GS083B Biotin-labeled EMSA probe-STAT3(0.2μM) 200μl RMB612.00
GS083M Mutant EMSA Probe STAT3(1.75μM) 60μl RMB175.00
GS083T Mutant EMSA Probe STAT3(10μM) 30μl RMB402.00
GS085 EMSA Probe STAT5(1.75μM) 60μl RMB171.00
GS085A EMSA Probe STAT5(10μM) 30μl RMB399.00
GS085B Biotin-labeled EMSA probe-STAT5(0.2μM) 200μl RMB612.00
GS085M Mutant EMSA Probe STAT5(1.75μM) 60μl RMB175.00
GS085T Mutant EMSA Probe STAT5(10μM) 30μl RMB402.00
GS106 EMSA Probe YY1(1.75μM) 60μl RMB171.00
GS106A EMSA Probe YY1(10μM) 30μl RMB399.00
GS106B Biotin-labeled EMSA probe-YY1(0.2μM) 200μl RMB612.00
GS106M Mutant EMSA Probe YY1(1.75μM) 60μl RMB175.00
GS106T Mutant EMSA Probe YY1(10μM) 30μl RMB402.00
GSREQ EMSA Probe (custom service)(1.75μM) 60μl RMB616.00
GSREQA EMSA Probe (custom service)(10μM) 30μl RMB1226.00
GSREQB Biotin-labeled EMSA probe - on-demand preparation of(0.2μM) 200μl RMB1490.00
Reporter Assay
Cat.No. Product Name Package Price
RG005 Firefly Luciferase Reporter Gene Assay Kit 100T RMB386.00
RG006 Firefly Luciferase Reporter Gene Assay Kit 1000T RMB2248.00
RG016 Renilla Luciferase Reporter Gene Assay Kit 100T RMB398.00
RG017 Renilla Luciferase Reporter Gene Assay Kit 1000T RMB2368.00
RG027 Dual Luciferase Reporter Gene Assay Kit 100T RMB738.00
RG028 Dual Luciferase Reporter Gene Assay Kit 1000T RMB4699.00
RG0036 β-galactosidase Assay Kit 200T RMB398.00
RG0039 In Situ β-galactosidase Staining Kit >100T RMB472.00
D2102 pGL6 1μg RMB862.00
D2105 pGL6-TA 1μg RMB862.00
D2106 pGL6-miR 1μg RMB862.00
D2108 pAP1-luc 1μg RMB862.00
D2109 pAP1-TA-luc 1μg RMB862.00
D2112 pARE-luc 1μg RMB862.00
D2152 pGRE-luc 1μg RMB862.00
D2179 pISRE-TA-luc 1μg RMB862.00
D2198 pMyc-TA-luc 1μg RMB862.00
D2206 pNFκB-luc 1μg RMB862.00
D2207 pNFκB-TA-luc 1μg RMB862.00
D2223 pp53-TA-luc 1μg RMB862.00
D2248 pRb-TA-luc 1μg RMB862.00
D2259 pSTAT3-TA-luc 1μg RMB862.00
D2306 pAAT-promoter-luc 1μg RMB862.00
D2386 pIL-6-promoter-luc 1μg RMB862.00
D2480 pTNF-α-promoter-luc 1μg RMB862.00
D2481 pTNF-α-TA-promoter-luc 1μg RMB862.00
D2762 pRL-SV40-N 1μg RMB862.00
D2768 pRL-SV40-C 1μg RMB862.00
Nitric Oxide
Cat.No. Product Name Package Price
S0006 L-NAME (eNOS inhibitor) 200mg RMB125.00
S0007 L-Canavanine (iNOS inhibitor) 20mg RMB115.00
S0008 SMT (iNOS inhibitor) 100mg RMB165.00
S0009 1400W (iNOS inhibitor) 2mg RMB473.00
S0010 Spermidine (nNOS inhibitor) 200mg RMB128.00
S0011 L-NMMA (total NOS inhibitor) 5mg RMB408.00
S0012 L-Arginine (NO precursor) 5g RMB39.00
S0015 SNP (NO donor) 1g RMB72.00
S0016 L-Citrulline (NO intermediate) 1g RMB182.00
S0017 Hemoglobin (NO scavenger) 1g RMB51.00
S0019 DAF-FM DA (NO fluorescence probe) >100T RMB676.00
S0021 Nitric Oxide Assay Kit 500T 352.00
S0023 total Nitric Oxide Assay Kit 50T RMB473.00
S0024 total Nitric Oxide Assay Kit 200T RMB1488.00
S0025 Nitric Oxide Synthase Assay Kit 100T RMB906.00
S1546 Carboxy-PTIO 5mg RMB398.00
S1547 Carboxy-PTIO 50mg RMB2376.00
S3090 Cell and Tissue Lysis Buffer for Nitric Oxide Assay 100ml RMB198.00
Cat.No. Product Name Package Price
S0033 Reactive Oxygen Species Assay Kit >100T RMB343.00
S0038 Hydrogen Peroxide Assay Kit 150T RMB898.00
S0051 Catalase Assay Kit 100T RMB298.00
S0052 total Glutathione Assay Kit 100T RMB306.00
S0052B Protein Removing Reagent S (For S0052) 3g RMB68.00
S0053 GSH and GSSG Assay Kit total 100T RMB428.00
S0054 Protein Removing Reagent M (For S0053) 5g RMB121.00
S0055 Glutathione Reductase Assay Kit 100T RMB352.00
S0056 Cellular Glutathione Peroxidase Assay Kit 100T RMB353.00
S0058 total Glutathione Peroxidase Assay Kit 100T RMB398.00
S0060 Superoxide Assay Kit 100T RMB462.00
S0063 Dihydroethidium 5mg RMB380.00
S0071 Catechin hydrate (antioxidant) 0.5g RMB156.00
S0073 GSH (antioxidant) 1g RMB93.00
S0075 Lipoic acid (antioxidant) 0.5g RMB195.00
S0077 NAC (antioxidant) 2g RMB86.00
S0079 Tocopherol (antioxidant) 2g RMB70.00
S0082 Catalase 200mg RMB182.00
S0086 SOD 3KU RMB156.00
S0087 SOD 15KU RMB636.00
S0088 SOD 65KU RMB322.00
S0101 total Superoxide Dismutase Assay Kit with WST-8 100T RMB431.00
S0103 Cu/Zn-SOD and Mn-SOD Assay Kit with WST-8 100T RMB525.00
S0109 total Superoxide Dismutase Assay Kit with NBT 100T RMB328.00
S0116 total Antioxidant Capacity Assay Kit with FRAP method 100T RMB322.00
S0119 total Antioxidant Capacity Assay Kit with ABTS method >300T RMB352.00
S0121 total Antioxidant Capacity Assay Kit with a Rapid ABTS method 100T RMB339.00
S0131 Lipid Peroxidation MDA Assay Kit 100T RMB322.00
Inhibitor & Agonist
Cat.No. Product Name Package Price
S0006 L-NAME (eNOS inhibitor) 200mg RMB125.00
S0007 L-Canavanine (iNOS inhibitor) 20mg RMB115.00
S0008 SMT (iNOS inhibitor) 100mg RMB165.00
S0009 1400W (iNOS inhibitor) 2mg RMB473.00
S0010 Spermidine (nNOS inhibitor) 200mg RMB128.00
S0011 L-NMMA (total NOS inhibitor) 5mg RMB408.00
S0012 L-Arginine (NO precursor) 5g RMB39.00
S0015 SNP (NO donor) 1g RMB72.00
S0016 L-Citrulline (NO intermediate) 1g RMB182.00
S0017 Hemoglobin (NO scavenger) 1g RMB51.00
S0071 Catechin hydrate (antioxidant) 0.5g RMB156.00
S0073 GSH (antioxidant) 1g RMB93.00
S0075 Lipoic acid (antioxidant) 0.5g RMB195.00
S0077 NAC (antioxidant) 2g RMB86.00
S0079 Tocopherol (antioxidant) 2g RMB70.00
S0082 Catalase 200mg RMB182.00
S0086 SOD 3KU RMB156.00
S0087 SOD 15KU RMB636.00
S0088 SOD 65KU RMB322.00
S1509 AG 490 5mg RMB309.00
S1515 AICAR 5mg RMB110.00
S1516 AICAR 50mg RMB906.00
S1523 BAY 11-7082 2mg RMB336.00
S1536 Brefeldin A 5mg RMB886.00
S1539 Sodium Butyrate 1g RMB289.00
S1546 Carboxy-PTIO 5mg RMB398.00
S1547 Carboxy-PTIO 50mg RMB2376.00
S1552 Cisplatin 50mg RMB408.00
S1563 Cyclosporin A 50mg RMB538.00
S1612 Forskolin 1mg RMB158.00
S1628 Genistein 25mg RMB248.00
S1635 Glucosamine 5g RMB93.00
S1643 H-89 1mg RMB169.00
S1644 H-89 5mg RMB731.00
S1672 Ionomycin(Calcium ionophore, 5mM) 50μl RMB420.00
S1691 KT5823 50μg RMB1129.00
S1726 Leptomycin B 10μg RMB291.00
S1730 Lovastatin 10mg RMB495.00
S1732 LPS 0.5mg RMB186.00
S1737 LY294002 1mg RMB191.00
S1741 Metformin 1g RMB183.00
S1748 MG-132 1mg RMB286.00
S1753 Monensin 100mg RMB289.00
S1761 Nicotinamide 10g RMB105.00
S1765 Nocodazole 5mg RMB571.00
S1769 NS-2028 1mg RMB471.00
S1771 NS-398 1mg RMB248.00
S1772 NS-398 5mg RMB1046.00
S1777 Nutlin-3 1mg RMB506.00
S1778 Nutlin-3 5mg RMB2146.00
S1786 Okadaic acid potassium salt 10μg RMB399.00
S1805 PD 98,059 2mg RMB319.00
S1808 PDTC 1g RMB128.00
S1809 PDTC 5g RMB322.00
S1816 Pifithrin-α 5mg RMB498.00
S1819 PMA/TPA 1mg RMB409.00
S1842 Rapamycin 1mg RMB345.00
S1863 SB203580 1mg RMB528.00
S1868 Simvastatin 10mg RMB517.00
S1873 Sodium orthovanadate 2g RMB115.00
S1876 SP600125 5mg RMB368.00
S1882 Staurosporine 0.1mg RMB538.00
S1883 Staurosporine 0.5mg
S1888 Trequinsin 2mg RMB1489.00
S1893 Trichostatin A 100μg RMB277.00
S1901 U0126 1mg RMB539.00
S1952 WoRTmannin 0.5mg RMB432.00
SC0002-10mM (+)-JQ1 10mM×0.2ml RMB236.00
SC0002-5mg (+)-JQ1 5mg RMB859.00
SC0002-25mg (+)-JQ1 25mg RMB2801.00
SC0006-10mM Venetoclax (ABT-199, GDC-0199) 10mM×0.2ml RMB691.00
SC0006-5mg Venetoclax (ABT-199, GDC-0199) 5mg RMB1327.00
SC0006-25mg Venetoclax (ABT-199, GDC-0199) 25mg RMB2860.00
SC0011-10mM ABT-263 (Navitoclax) 10mM×0.2ml RMB345.00
SC0011-5mg ABT-263 (Navitoclax) 5mg RMB589.00
SC0011-25mg ABT-263 (Navitoclax) 25mg RMB1818.00
SC0015-10mM ABT-737 10mM×0.2ml RMB288.00
SC0015-5mg ABT-737 5mg RMB589.00
SC0015-25mg ABT-737 25mg RMB1680.00
SC0020-10mM Veliparib (ABT-888) 10mM×0.2ml RMB70.00
SC0020-5mg Veliparib (ABT-888) 5mg RMB477.00
SC0020-25mg Veliparib (ABT-888) 25mg RMB1091.00
SC0024-10mM AEE788 (NVP-AEE788) 10mM×0.2ml RMB221.00
SC0024-5mg AEE788 (NVP-AEE788) 5mg RMB835.00
SC0024-25mg AEE788 (NVP-AEE788) 25mg RMB2801.00
SC0029-10mM AG14361 10mM×0.2ml RMB161.00
SC0029-5mg AG14361 5mg RMB835.00
SC0029-25mg AG14361 25mg RMB2860.00
SC0033-10mM Apixaban 10mM×0.2ml RMB241.00
SC0033-5mg Apixaban 5mg RMB873.00
SC0033-25mg Apixaban 25mg RMB2860.00
SC0038-10mM AT-406 10mM×0.2ml RMB213.00
SC0038-5mg AT-406 5mg RMB633.00
SC0038-25mg AT-406 25mg RMB1916.00
SC0042-10mM AZD8055 10mM×0.2ml RMB99.00
SC0042-5mg AZD8055 5mg RMB356.00
SC0042-25mg AZD8055 25mg RMB1091.00
SC0047-10mM AC480 (BMS-599626) 10mM×0.2ml RMB266.00
SC0047-5mg AC480 (BMS-599626) 5mg RMB835.00
SC0047-25mg AC480 (BMS-599626) 25mg RMB2801.00
SC0051-10mM CYT997 (Lexibulin) 10mM×0.2ml RMB218.00
SC0051-5mg CYT997 (Lexibulin) 5mg RMB835.00
SC0051-25mg CYT997 (Lexibulin) 25mg RMB2860.00
SC0056-10mM EPZ-6438 (E7438) 10mM×0.2ml RMB217.00
SC0056-5mg EPZ-6438 (E7438) 5mg RMB632.00
SC0056-25mg EPZ-6438 (E7438) 25mg RMB1975.00
SC0060-10mM GSK126 10mM×0.2ml RMB228.00
SC0060-5mg GSK126 5mg RMB722.00
SC0060-25mg GSK126 25mg RMB2348.00
SC0065-10mM GSK923295 10mM×0.2ml RMB326.00
SC0065-5mg GSK923295 5mg RMB919.00
SC0065-25mg GSK923295 25mg RMB2860.00
SC0069-10mM I-BET-762 (GSK525762) 10mM×0.2ml RMB277.00
SC0069-5mg I-BET-762 (GSK525762) 5mg RMB1089.00
SC0069-25mg I-BET-762 (GSK525762) 25mg RMB3267.00
SC0074-10mM Enzalutamide (MDV3100) 10mM×0.2ml RMB205.00
SC0074-5mg Enzalutamide (MDV3100) 5mg RMB737.00
SC0074-25mg Enzalutamide (MDV3100) 25mg RMB2270.00
SC0078-10mM Ixazeomib (MLN2238) 10mM×0.2ml RMB181.00
SC0078-5mg Ixazeomib (MLN2238) 5mg RMB835.00
SC0078-25mg Ixazeomib (MLN2238) 25mg RMB3616.00
SC0083-10mM MLN9708 10mM×0.2ml RMB259.00
SC0083-5mg MLN9708 5mg RMB835.00
SC0083-25mg MLN9708 25mg RMB2860.00
SC0087-10mM NVP-ADW742 10mM×0.2ml RMB227.00
SC0087-5mg NVP-ADW742 5mg RMB835.00
SC0087-25mg NVP-ADW742 25mg RMB2860.00
SC0092-10mM Danusertib (PHA-739358) 10mM×0.2ml RMB238.00
SC0092-5mg Danusertib (PHA-739358) 5mg RMB835.00
SC0092-25mg Danusertib (PHA-739358) 25mg RMB2860.00
SC0096-10mM PHA-793887 10mM×0.2ml RMB181.00
SC0096-5mg PHA-793887 5mg RMB835.00
SC0096-25mg PHA-793887 25mg RMB2860.00
SC0101-10mM Roscovitine (Seliciclib, CYC202) 10mM×0.2ml RMB92.00
SC0101-5mg Roscovitine (Seliciclib, CYC202) 5mg RMB433.00
SC0101-25mg Roscovitine (Seliciclib, CYC202) 25mg RMB1386.00
SC0105-10mM Ispinesib (SB-715992) 10mM×0.2ml RMB293.00
SC0105-5mg Ispinesib (SB-715992) 5mg RMB943.00
SC0105-25mg Ispinesib (SB-715992) 25mg RMB2860.00
SC0110-10mM SB-743921 10mM×0.2ml RMB277.00
SC0110-5mg SB-743921 5mg RMB835.00
SC0110-25mg SB-743921 25mg RMB2860.00
SC0114-10mM SM-164 10mM×0.2ml RMB725.00
SC0114-5mg SM-164 5mg RMB1076.00
SC0114-25mg SM-164 25mg RMB3513.00
SC0119-10mM SNS-314 Mesylate 10mM×0.2ml RMB186.00
SC0119-5mg SNS-314 Mesylate 5mg RMB589.00
SC0119-25mg SNS-314 Mesylate 25mg RMB1975.00
SC0123-10mM SNX-2112 (PF-04928473) 10mM×0.2ml RMB370.00
SC0123-5mg SNX-2112 (PF-04928473) 5mg RMB1327.00
SC0123-25mg SNX-2112 (PF-04928473) 25mg RMB2860.00
SC0128-10mM YM155 (Sepantronium Bromide) 10mM×0.2ml RMB91.00
SC0128-5mg YM155 (Sepantronium Bromide) 5mg RMB346.00
SC0128-25mg YM155 (Sepantronium Bromide) 25mg RMB1327.00
C1202 Caspase Inhibitor Z-VAD-FMK(20mM) 20μl RMB328.00
C1206 Caspase 3 Inhibitor Ac-DEVD-CHO(10mM) 100μl RMB418.00
P3376 Insulin 18mg RMB498.00
Fluorescence Probe
Cat.No. Product Name Package Price
S0019 DAF-FM DA (NO fluorescence probe) >100T RMB676.00
S0025 Nitric Oxide Synthase Assay Kit 100T RMB906.00
S0033 Reactive Oxygen Species Assay Kit >100T RMB343.00
S0063 Dihydroethidium 5mg RMB380.00
S1006 BCECF AM 50μl RMB430.00
S1052 Fura-2 AM 50μl RMB289.00
S1056 Fluo-3 AM 20μl RMB508.00
S1082 MQAE 20mg RMB446.00
C0051 CFDA SE Cell Proliferation Assay and Tracking Kit 2000T RMB883.00
C1002 DAPI 1mg RMB226.00
C1005 DAPI Staining Solution 10ml RMB102.00
C1006 DAPI Staining Solution 50ml RMB354.00
C1011 Hoechst 33258 10mg RMB192.00
C1017 Hoechst 33258 Staining Solution 10ml RMB98.00
C1018 Hoechst 33258 Staining Solution 50ml RMB318.00
C1022 Hoechst 33342 10mg RMB196.00
C1025 Hoechst 33342 Staining Solution 10ml RMB92.00
C1026 Hoechst 33342 Staining Solution 50ml RMB312.00
C1031 CFDA SE 5mg RMB710.00
C1033 Actin-Tracker Green 0.2ml RMB430.00
C1036 DiI 10mg RMB408.00
C1038 DiO 10mg RMB441.00
C1041 ER-Tracker Red 20μl RMB1150.00
C1043 Golgi-Tracker Red 1mg RMB1279.00
C1046 Lyso-Tracker Red 50μl RMB325.00
C1048 Mito-Tracker Green 50μg RMB286.00
C1050 Tubulin-Tracker Red 40μl RMB818.00
C2005 JC-1 1mg RMB768.00
C2006 Mitochondrial membrane potential assay kit with JC-1 >100T RMB882.00
C2007 Rhodamine 123 5mg RMB246.00
Cat.No. Product Name Package Price
S0026 ATP Assay Kit 200T RMB927.00
S0026B ATP Assay Kit 200T RMB927.00
S0027 Enhanced ATP Assay Kit 200T RMB1228.00
SN368 NF-κB Activation,Nuclear Translocation Assay Kit >50T RMB1186.00
P0306 Neuraminidase Assay Kit 100T RMB678.00
P0309 Neuraminidase Inhibitors Screen Kit 100T RMB920.00
P0321 H5N1Alkaline Phosphatase Assay Kit 100T RMB268.00
P0326 H5N1 Acid Phosphatase Assay Kit 120T RMB273.00
P0329 H5N1Placental Alkaline Phosphatase Assay Kit 100T RMB282.00
P0332 H5N1Tartrate Resistant Acid Phosphatase Assay Kit 120T RMB296.00
P0335 H5N1Fluoride Resistant Acid Phosphatase Assay Kit 120T RMB298.00
五、Stock Reagents
Cat.No. Product Name Package Price
ST003 30% Acr-Bis (29:1) 100ml RMB66.00
ST004 40% Acr-Bis (39:1) 100ml RMB75.00
ST004D Agar 100g RMB56.00
ST004E Agar 500g RMB225.00
ST004L Agarose 50g RMB248.00
ST005 Ammonium persulfate (APS) 10g RMB61.00
ST007 Ampicillin 5g RMB89.00
ST008 Ampicillin(100mg/ml,1000X) 5ml RMB53.00
ST012 BCIP  100mg RMB175.00
ST015 BES,free acid 10g RMB95.00
ST023 BSA,Fraction V 50g RMB468.00
ST030 Coomassie brilliant blue G250 5g RMB95.00
ST031 Coomassie brilliant blue R250 5g RMB82.00
ST033 DAB 1g RMB148.00
ST036 DEPC 10g RMB215.00
ST038 DMSO 100ml RMB71.00
ST039A Doxycycline hyclate 1g RMB106.00
ST039B Doxycycline hyclate 50g RMB1706.00
ST040 DTT 1g RMB65.00
ST041 0.5M DTT 2ml RMB38.00
ST042 0.5M DTT 10ml RMB150.00
ST066 0.5M EDTA pH8.0 100ml RMB68.00
ST068 0.5M EGTA pH8.0 20ml RMB117.00
ST081 G-418 1g RMB538.00
ST082 G-418 5g RMB2380.00
ST083 L-Glutamine 100g RMB297.00
ST085 Glycine 500g RMB136.00
ST085M Glycine 10×500g RMB816.00
ST088 Guanidine Hydrochloride 500g RMB278.00
ST089 Guanidine Thiocyanate 100g RMB96.00
ST090 HEPES,free acid 10g RMB38.00
ST091 HEPES,free acid 100g RMB208.00
ST093 Hydroxylamine hydrochloride 20g RMB42.00
ST097 IPTG 1g RMB68.00
ST098 IPTG 5g RMB322.00
ST101 Kanamycin 1g RMB41.00
ST102 Kanamycin(10mg/ml,1000X) 5ml RMB68.00
ST156 Premixed LB 10×500ml RMB61.00
ST206 Lysozyme (>20KU/mg) 0.5g RMB36.00
ST269 1M MgCl2 100ml RMB27.00
ST275 Mineral oil 20ml RMB35.00
ST301 MOPS,free acid 20g RMB56.00
ST302 MOPS,free acid 100g RMB257.00
ST316 MTT 500mg RMB190.00
ST351 3M NaAc pH5.2 100ml RMB51.00
ST358 NADH 100mg RMB85.00
ST360 NADPH 10mg RMB107.00
ST361 1-Naphthylamine 5g RMB41.00
ST362 NBT  100mg RMB126.00
ST366 NP-40 10ml RMB42.00
ST429 ONPG 200mg RMB51.00
ST476 PBS(10X) 500ml RMB61.00
ST483 PEG8000 500g RMB165.00
ST488 Penicillin-Streptomycin for Cell Culture For 80L RMB93.00
ST505 PMSF 1g RMB118.00
ST506 PMSF(100mM) 10ml RMB99.00
ST508 Poly-D-lysine 10mg RMB413.00
ST509 Poly-L-lysine 50mg RMB415.00
ST511 Propidium Iodide 5mg RMB215.00
ST512 Propidium Iodide 20mg RMB689.00
ST532 Proteinase K (20mg/ml) 0.2ml RMB53.00
ST533 Proteinase K (20mg/ml) 1ml RMB172.00
ST576 RNase A (10mg/ml, DNase free) 1ml RMB337.00
ST577 RNase A (100mg/ml, DNase free) 0.5ml RMB1338.00
ST578 RNase A (10mg/ml) 1ml RMB75.00
ST579 RNase A (100mg/ml) 0.5ml RMB342.00
ST626 SDS 80g RMB39.00
ST627 SDS 80g RMB81.00
ST628 10% SDS 100ml RMB31.00
ST716 TAE(50X) 500ml RMB72.00
ST725 TE 100ml RMB25.00
ST728 TEMED 10ml RMB42.00
ST746 TMB 250mg RMB148.00
ST761 Tris 100g RMB41.00
ST765 Tris 500g RMB160.00
ST768 1M Tris-HCl,pH6.8 100ml RMB31.00
ST774 1M Tris-HCl,pH7.4 100ml RMB31.00
ST776 1M Tris-HCl,pH7.6 100ml RMB31.00
ST780 1M Tris-HCl,pH8.0 100ml RMB31.00
ST788 1M Tris-HCl,pH8.8 100ml RMB31.00
ST789 1.5M Tris-HCl,pH8.8 100ml RMB36.00
ST795 Triton X-100 100ml RMB48.00
ST798 Trypan blue 1g RMB36.00
ST800 Tryptone 500g RMB398.00
ST825 Tween-20 100ml RMB42.00
ST912 X-Gal 100mg RMB61.00
ST968 Yeast extract 500g RMB186.00
